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Farm Meat in Stirlingshire

Farm Meat from Stirlingshire includes beef, pork, lamb, cured meats, sausages, etc but excludes game and venison. We found 1 Farm Meat Suppliers in Stirlingshire.

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MHOR Bread

MHOR Bread

From a site in Callander that has been supplying bread to the area for over 100 years, Mhor Bread operates its bakery, shop and tearoom. The Lewis family, who also run Mhor Fish, Mhor Tea Rooms and Monachyle Mhor hotel and restaurant, are reintroducing traditional baking techniques and ensuring there are no preservatives in their bread. They're also aiming to maintain the same values for other traditional high-street baker’s produce, such as cakes, scones and pies.

Location: Callander, Stirlingshire