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Farm Meat in Berkshire

Farm Meat from Berkshire includes beef, pork, lamb, cured meats, sausages, etc but excludes game and venison.

We found 2 Farm Meat suppliers in Berkshire.

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Doves Farm Foods Ltd

Doves Farm Foods Ltd

As a family business, we’ve milled organic and heritage flours as well as a range of naturally gluten free flours since we were founded. We’ve made biscuits from our wholemeal flour and also reintroduced some of the UK’s lost ancient grains back to our soils. Rye was first, then Spelt, and Einkorn and Emmer soon followed. Today, we continue to be driven by our original mission to make quality organic flour with care, and the result is a range of unique, distinctive and trusted flours that make home baking a joy.

Location: Hungerford, Berkshire

Warings Bakery

Warings Bakery

Warings Bakery is an award winning family business started in 1932 by Lawrence Webster Waring. We're proud to continue upholding the traditional values and techniques of craft baking, providing local families and Reading's communities with an unrivalled variety of baked goods, many made to original recipes handed down through 4 generations.

Location: Reading, Berkshire